Bible Way Baptist Church

18 Heard St Auburn MA 01501



The Bible says in later days perilious times shall come. I believe we are living in those days now. Men have become lovers of themselves with no regard for the things of God and certainly no fear of him. Because of their depraved nature and proclivity towards wickedness they continue on a downward spiral into more and more sin slipping further and further away from a heavenly eternity only to end up in a Christless hell.


Many, in an attempt to find peace, make up a religion of their own or worse try to meet God on THEIR own terms. Thus making a god in their own image. No amount of effort on the part of man will gain them favor with a holy God. Only Jesus Christ can satisfy the righteous demands of God's holy law.


2 Corinthians 13:5 Where do YOU stand? Have you examined yourself, have you proved YOUR OWNSELF to see whether you are in the faith? If you think you are in the faith or relgious what are you basing your hope on. 


If you are not sure or have never considered where you will spend eternity -  today is the day of your salvation. Throw yourself down at the feet of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and cry out for mercy, plead his grace snd then re-examine yourself to see whether you are in the faith.  





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